Wednesday, December 13, 2023

100% AI broadcast

Not much different from reality, where people read scripts:

AI robocalls coming:

Caring about people killing Muslims


Gad Saad
If you are silent when Muslims kill millions of their own people but suddenly you become enraged when Israel retaliates (yes heavily) to the inhumane October 7th attacks, it's not anti-Zionism" It's Jew-hatred. You yawn when millions of Muslims are killed by other Muslims but scream "From the river to the sea" when Israel rightly retaliates. Modern-day Israel is a God sent to millions of Jew-haters. "Oh no, I love the Jews. I only hate Zionism."

Muslims killing Muslims, is a very routine and natural. It is happening since very early age of Islam. But Jews killing Muslims hasn't happened in history. Out of about 140 islamic khalifa only 10 of them died by natural cause, rest of them killed by other Muslims.

Biden vs Musk

Last year, after Elon Musk acquired Twitter, President Biden gave federal agencies the green light to go after him. And they have. Today, the FCC adds itself to the growing list of federal agencies engaging in the regulatory harassment of Elon Musk. I dissent.

President Biden stood at a White House podium & stated that Elon Musk “is worth being looked at.” When asked "How?", President Biden responded “There’s a lot of ways.” There certainly are. The DOJ, FAA, FTC, NLRB, SDNY, & FWS have all taken action. The FCC now joins them.

The Totalitarian Trojan Horse

  The 2030 Agenda: The Totalitarian Trojan Horse BY TYLER DURDEN TUESDAY, FEB 20, 2024 - 08:40 PM Authored by Daniel Lacalle via The Epoch T...